Our company is located in Yongkang, the Capital of Hardware in China. We are professional supplier of all kinds of steel wheels, alloy wheels, tires, auto parts and outdoor gear that have more than 10 years of experiences in exporting. We have professional factories such as Zhejiang Fengchi Machinery Co., Ltd. And Shandong Faway Hongzheng Wheel Technology Co., Ltd. (a state-owned company) for backup.
Our products including all kinds of steel wheels from 4 to 30 inches (trailer, RV, agricultral equipment, ATV/UTV, garden tool, go-cart, snow blower, log splitter, 4X4, etc. ), alloy wheels (flow forming, forged, wire wheel), auto parts and outdoor gears. We can also offer you many other products as you need.
We can offer you:
1. Support in the process of exporting and importing.
2. Good leadtime and quality control.
3. R&D according to your requirements, design and drawing.
4. Competitive prices and support in your market expansion.
Our products are selling domestically and overseas to many countries all over the world. We are sincerely providing you the best services that we can. Hope to establish a good business together with you!
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